Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's been awhile... It's been tough, though...

Hello everyone! It's been awhile since my last post. And I must say, life has been tough, as usual. There have been a lot of confrontations lately, both in the professional and personal levels.

But, I've been growing professionally, though. I've been learning and exploring new things in the IT field. I am currently handling a website project, and I am also handling short courses for computer animation.

I just can't keep up with some of the deadlines being imposed by our "higher superior." But what the hell, it's better late than never. Atleast I'm able to present something even at the very last moment.

But everything is "good" in every sense of it. Well, except for the never-ending blackouts that have been occurring in the city lately. It's a pain in the butt!!! whew...

This is it for now. I'll try to find some other things to share later.

Have a nice day!

Best regards,


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