Monday, June 15, 2009

Music moves me...

I was 10 years old when I first got interested in playing a guitar. My uncle had a guitar hanging in his closet. He didn't know that I would secretly go in there and mess with his guitar. Well ofcourse, at first I didn't know how to "actually play". I was just simply amazed by the different sounds it would make. One day, my dad saw me playing with the guitar in my uncle's bedroom. Inspired, or maybe motivated to make me learn, he bought me a nylon-stringed guitar the following day and asked my uncle to tutor me everyday during the summer of 1992. So, the first day came. And on the 1st day, I learned all the basic chords, and I learned to play two full songs! It was "Everything I do, I do it for you" by Bryan Adams and "Knocking on Heavens Door" by Gun's 'n Roses.

Before that, I was actually already listening to heavy metal bands (on cassette tapes) like Metallica, Megadeth, Motorhead, Slayer, Pantera, and the likes. And Hair-Metal bands like Bon Jovi, Poison, Guns n Roses, Aerosmith, Ratt, Cinderella, Twisted Sisters, etc. Later came the Grunge-era with the likes of the immortal NIRVANA and counterpart Pearl Jam. Other bands came into the picture, like Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in Chains, Creed, etc. Local pinoy bands also came into the picture which sort-of also influenced me one way or another. The Eraserheads, Rivermaya, Wolfgang, Yano, and The Youth were some of these local bands.

But hey! Even before digging to these type of tunes, I was a Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer addict! And V. Ice's pinoy counterpart, Francis M. was a great inspiration! these people make me want to dance like crazy!

As far as I can remember, it was actually my dad who influenced me into Heavy Metal without me actually noticing it. I remember so well how he would play BLACK SABBATH Vol. 2 over and over again. But I was such a young lad back then that I didn't even notice what type of music it was.

I got interested with having my own band when I reached High School. I've been with different bands since then even when I was in college.

I can't imagine where I would be without music in my life. Until now, I still play the music I love where ever I go. I still play with my bands when ever I get the chance.

I love music! No matter what genre. But the type of music that I dig the most is METAL!

long live HEAVY METAL!


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