Much of the talks from day 1 'til day 4 covered a range of new and satisfying (thirst quenching) information, especially to an IT enthusiast. Operating Systems, Database Systems, Web Tools, Animation Tools, IT's effect on the economy was discussed. Speakers ranged from local IT instructors, to IT professionals, student-turned-millionaire, foreigners, and even politicians.
From all of the talks that were given, there stood a common fad. And that would be OPEN SOURCE TECHNOLOGY. Although there were little talk about Microsoft, but, majority of the discussion was about FOSS.
I won't be bias when I say "Open Source Technology is the predominant software that is running in most of our computers today, without us even noticing it. It is really what drives the mainstream computing society today." (my own qoute... hehe..)
People may just be unaware that they are indeed using the technology. It could be due to being uneducated about the technology itself. Or maybe, they are still being predominantly lured into using the Windows platform and applications.
It would be wise for us to know about these types of technology. And one of the ways to be aware is by participating in the upcoming SOFTWARE FREEDOM DAY! It's an annual celebration which promotes FOSS and educates the minds of IT enthusiasts about the benefits of using such technology.
I am a FOSS user, but after Y4IT, I have become an advocate.
Support Software Freedom!
Please visit this site for more information:
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