It's been roughly six months since I started teaching IT in my alma-mater. Yes, I am teaching in the same school I graduated six years ago. You might be asking "Why only 6 months?" Well, the answer is simple. It was never really my intention to teach. Yes. Never in dreams have I even thought of teaching! But I guess it's fate that brought me here.
But before I even got into the academe world, I've worked in other different companies (4 companies to be exact... a total of 5 companies in the span of 5 years!) I worked as Contractual clerk for DBP Service corporation for, 3 years. But between that, I also worked for Horizon Wi-Fi systems corp for... 3 DAYS! (LOL!)... after 3 years of working with DBP, I resigned and worked for a Canadian gold and silver mining company, TVIRD. My life with TVI was, by far, the best I've ever had! (I was the company's Systems Administrator) Imagine this... lodging, transportation, laundry, meals, cellphone load... all FREE!!! I would love to trade the job I have now for the job that I once had with TVI. Unfortunately, news came about a possible shutdown of the company due to depleted ore reserves. Thinking fast, I decided to resign even before the company actually shutdown (which I believe was a WRONG move...). Months later, the company temporarily stopped operation for 6 months. Only to open up again with a different material as their source of income... SULPHIDE... accordingly, the company no longer processes the product, but delivers the materials by bulk. Approximate lifespan for the Sulphide mine is 3 years, or more. But then, that's that.
Anyway, going back. So, I was jobless for 2 months when I read news about an urgent need for an HRIS Specialist at Universidad de Zamboanga. It was an opportunity I didn't dare to miss. I was hired after a few interviews and some examination. A few months later, 4 to be exact, I got fed up with the way the HR manager was running the place, plus the very small pay. Lies, corruption, swindling... these are only a few of the things I could remember about the former HR manager. Eventually, I resigned... again...
I was hoping I would be accepted in one of the Government offices which I applied for during my jobless days. But unfortunately, after wasting P1,000 for two separate ychological examinations, nothing. I was losing hope and was never planning to apply for any other. But then my phone received a text message one day. And to my surprise, it was our former GE head from STI College (now the Academic Coordinator) offering me a job as IT Instructor. I was hesitant at first, but then I pushed thru with my application. A few days later, I was hired. And I am so grateful of what I am right now. Not only will I gain personal knowledge, but I will also experience Professional growth.
Now, I believe in fate. Maybe its because most of my grandparents were instructors and professors, professionals in the Academic field.
I believe that fate brought me here, and I am doing all my best to be the best that I could be. It feels so great to be able to touch the lives of others. As it is said, "Teaching is the noblest of professions", and so I believe.
I dedicate my being an IT instructor to my ever loving wife, Neliza, and to my very healthy and bouncy baby boy, Paul Steven.
This is only the tip of the ice-berg for me. I am very sure that more blessings will come soon.
'til next time! Thanks for reading my blog!
Best regards,
Jonathan Paul C. Solis
IT Instructor