Wow! 2012 was really a tough year for me. Besides it being the "End Of the World" as predicted by the Mayans, it was a real roller-coaster year!
First off, in January, I decided to make a big shift, career-wise (you might say it was a big mistake, but things happen, y'know?). I decided to pursue a career which was very different from what I wanted to be. I switched from I.T. to Pest Control. (ooops! yeah, that's right.) Like what I mentioned in my previous post, I wanted to have an adventure, I wanted to take the risk of exploring into an unknown field. Ofcourse, as in everything you do, you will always experience some ups and downs. My salary was slashed in the first few months, but then it was raised after I earned my DOD Certification (I am earning higher now rather than when I was in I.T.), which was great!
This was also the month when me and my wife decided to build our very own little home. And slowly but surely, we were able to move in to our new house after 8 long months! (whew!
In mid-July, I joined Planet Mobile Technologies. It's an investment firm which caters Telecommunication and Mobile Technologies as their main product, instead of medicinal and herbal products. I am still pretty unsure if I have made the right decision by joining this group, but I keep my head up. This firm is actually showing some positive results for those really "die-hard" aficionados who want to earn easy money. And the company is growing in terms of members and followers. And they have also successfully partnered with other giant companies, like Globe Telecoms, Kia Philippines, and Pepsi Products Philippines, further exemplifying their mark as one of the fastest, and largest investment firm in the country. Are you interested? Hehehe... :D
And just as last year, our employment status with Dyncorp is still "so-so." Still blundered as to wether or not our contracts will be extended. But then again, we're still hoping for the best since we're pretty sure that the VFA won't be easily scrapped by the Philippine Government, with the tensions rising between the Philippines and China. Who else would the Philippines run to in-case a war ensues between our nations? You know, it's funny how the Philippines got rid of the American troops and bases way back in the late 90's. But still long for their assistance in times of war. Come to think about it, the Philippines never really gained their independence, since we are very dependent, especially to the United States of America. Where would we be if it weren't for them?
Anyway, moving on... 2013 is the year of the Water Snake, according to the Chinese calendar (I hope the Chinese won't be coming up with another "end of the world" theme anytime this year... hehehe...) And I'm very optimistic about this year! Me and my wife already have lots of plans for 2013. There is something very significant about the number 13 for me and my wife. Others would say that it's an unlucky number. But we go against the odds. We always did. And at some point, we always win.
I believe that we could top anything that we were able to accomplish last year, and make it better and bigger this year. And if there were things that we weren't able to accomplish, we'll make sure to place a big exclamation point on it in 2013!
Have a great year ahead!
Jonathan Paul C. Solis and family